Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Yes, yes...long time no update....

You'd think with all the wild and exciting things that fill each and every one of my days, I would have many fascinating tidbits to share with my readers (reader?) on a regular basis. Obviously, I am just too engaged in the whirlwind that is my life. Or something.

But I did see a fabulously amusing item worth sharing today, courtesy my dear StinkyLu. Please check yesterday's entry on The Daily Fug, a rude yet scathingly brilliant foray into questionable fashion. While you're there, of course, do check the other entries. I should probably just put a darn link to The Daily Fug on my boy howdy links, but as one who could easily be featured on their parade of fugliness, if only I were more famous, I see a potential conflict of conscience.


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